Early Childhood / Special Education: International Education

Offered by: Special Education

The mission of the Early Childhood /Special Education International program  is to equip, inspire and empower teacher candidates by providing them opportunities to develop their personal and professional global awareness; to deepen their understanding of culturally responsive teaching and to experience international teaching in order to be prepared for teaching in the 21st century.

Why Choose Early Childhood/Special Education International Program?

The Early Childhood/Special Education International program will allow you to do the following:

  • Increase job opportunities both inside and outside the US
  • Develop a deeper understanding of the influences which contribute to global diversity
  • Teach you how to infuse culturally responsive teaching in all settings
  • Allow growth of independence and self-confidence which come with structured, educational international travel experience
  • Immerse yourself completely into an exciting and new culture

What Will You Learn?

If you elect to complete the international program will choose from already established liberal studies courses that focus on international and global perspectives. You will also complete one care break, spring break trip, or field experience in an international setting. The capstone will be the completion of an international student teaching experience.

Careers In Early Childhood/Special Education

If you desire teaching jobs within or outside the United States will have a unique perspective on global education, this program will prepare you to stand out amongst other candidates, who only experience teaching in the local area. This program gives you the global perspective many employers desire and that international schools prefer.