Department of Biology at Slippery Rock University

Department of Biology at Slippery Rock University

About the Department

The Department of Biology, Parks and Conservation in the College of Engineering and Science at Slippery Rock University seeks to provide students with a comprehensive, contemporary understanding of the biological sciences. The department's courses include both lecture and hands-on laboratory experiences.

Our goal is to foster an appreciation for the complexities of living systems and to promote the development of competent, competitive, and scientifically literate graduates.

The various degree programs offered through the Department of Biology introduce students to basic biological principles  of molecular, cellular, organismal, and population biology. The degree programs seek to prepare students for career success irrespective of focus.

Department of Biology Advisory Board

The Department of Biology collaborates with an Advisory Board to ensure that the academic credentials of our graduates reflect job market trends. The current advisory board includes academicians, health professionals from various fields, and professional biologists.