Program Events

Fall Events


Welcome Back Social - all psychology majors

Suicide awareness vigil


Body Positivity Week (October): A weeklong series of events designed to promote body positivity and self-empowerment.


Applying to Graduate School Panel Discussion

Psi Chi - Thanksgiving Potluck


Psi Chi - Christmas Cards for residents of Home2Me

Spring Events


Eating Disorder Awareness Week: A weeklong series of events designed to raise awareness about and challenge stigma surrounding eating disorders.

Psi Chi and Nu Rho Psi Volunteer - Judging for the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science


Brain Awareness Week -  SRU Psychology-Neuroscience majors and interested students join the global campaign to foster public enthusiasm and support for brain science.

Psychology Study Abroad - Spring Break

Nu Rho Psi - New member inductions

Applying to Graduate School Panel Discussion

National Council for Undergraduate Research Conference


Psi Chi - New member inductions 

SRU Research Symposium

Psi Chi - Sidewalk Talk - students from across the university can stop to talk to Psi Chi members on the quad.

Western PA Undergraduate Psychology Conference

Laurel Highlands Psychology Conference


Psychology Club Meetings

Psi Chi Honorary Society Meetings

NeuroRocks Club Meetings

Nu Rho Psi Society Meetings

Reflections Body Image Program Meetings