Dining - All students contracted for a meal plan must use their SRU ID card to obtain their meals. Most meal plans include a Flex Fund which is a debit account that may be used within the food service operations as designated. The account may be increased in $25 increments at any time during the semester.
Door Access in Residence Halls - For those students living in a residence hall or ROCK Apartments, your SRU ID card provides access to your building. If your card does not work for your building access contact the Office of Residence Life at 724.738.2082.
Aebersold Student Recreation Center - You will need your SRU ID card to gain entrance to the Aebersold Student Recreation Center.
Activities - Your SRU ID card can also be used in the Music Dept. to track concert attendance, in the Health Center to verify registration, for Student Government voting, depositing financial aid, at photocopiers, in the Registrar's office, for parking services, and for admission to university events.
Library - The identification card is the key to checking out materials at Bailey Library and for utilizing off-campus Internet access.