SRU publishes online journal to share student-faculty scholarly work

Slippery Rock University students present research at the Symposium for Student Research, Scholarship and Creative Achievement. This year’s event was canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic but abstracts from the researchers are available in online journal.
May 8, 2020
SLIPPERY ROCK, Pa. — In a typical year, Slippery Rock University students present their research in person at an on-campus event in April called the Symposium for Student Research, Scholarship and Creative Achievement. This year, however, is anything but typical due to COVID-19. As such, SRU will still showcase its best student-faculty scholarly work, but this year the presentation comes in the form of an online journal.
More than 125 research abstracts across all the University's disciplines are included in the Journal of Scholarly Endeavor Volume XX. The symposium, and all campus events since March 16, was canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic.
"While students didn't have the opportunity to present their work in its final form with a conference poster, presentation or performance, the Journal of Scholarly Endeavor documents their efforts leading up to the canceled symposium," said Brad Wilson, associate provost for academic affairs and integrated learning. "We are proud of the accomplishments of all our students and hope that they will continue these efforts in the future, whether at SRU or at their next destination."
The symposium would have had a record number of potential presenters this year, but people can still learn about their research by reading the journal. Abstracts include everything from reports on e-cigarette use and a local excavation project, to the effects that dance has one mental health and xenophobia. There are examples of interdisciplinary collaborations, including a study among art and psychology students examining the correlations between printmaking techniques and personality traits.
"Students who are involved in research, scholarly writing or creative activity are more likely to be successful at SRU and beyond, especially when it involves collaboration with a faculty or professional staff member," Wilson said.
More information about the symposium can be found on the University website.
MEDIA CONTACT: Justin Zackal | 724.738.4854 |