SRU makes’s list of Best Bachelor’s Degrees in Criminology has ranked Slippery Rock University for its Bachelor of Arts in criminology and criminal justice degree program on its list of 2021 Best Bachelor’s Degrees in Criminology.
June 4, 2021
SLIPPERY ROCK, Pa. — Slippery Rock University's Bachelor of Arts in criminology and criminal justice degree program has been ranked by on its list of 2021 Best Bachelor's Degrees in Criminology.

SRU ranked No. 24 on a list of 45 schools nationwide and was one of only three Pennsylvania schools to make the Top 25. Rankings were compiled with consideration given to factors including academic and career resources, the quality of education and program faculty. is an online resource with more than 50,000 guides to help prospective students make important college and career decisions.
SRU's criminology and criminal justice program includes classes in criminological theory, policing, courts and adjudication, corrections, research methodology and justice administration. SRU's broad array of elective courses allows students to explore their specific areas of interests, including courses in crime and the media, the death penalty, white collar crime, criminal investigations and criminal justice policy.
The entire rankings are available on the website. More information about SRU's criminology and criminal justice program is available on the department's webpage.
MEDIA CONTACT: Justin Zackal | 724.738.4854 |