Rock Research Expo

The aim of the Rock Research Expo (RRE) is to serve as a newsletter that keeps our campus informed of the scholarly endeavors and potential research opportunities for both faculty members and students.

Spring 2024,    Spring 2023,    Spring 2022

Spring 2021,    Spring 2019,    Spring 2018,    Spring 2017,     

Spring 2016,    Spring 2015,    Spring 2014,    Spring 2013,   

Spring 2012,    Fall 2011,    Spring 2011,    Fall 2010

Specifically, RRE:

  • shares new knowledge of different disciplines on campus
  • provokes students' interests and curiosity in knowledge exploration
  • promotes long term academic communication and collaboration on campus, and most importantly
  • develops a success-driven environment of learning for both faculty members and students

The scope of RRE includes:

  • recent publications of faculty members and students on campus (title, authors, and short abstract)
  • recent research Projects and Grant Acquisition (title, authors, brief introduction)
  • recent conference presentations, performances, and exhibitions of faculty members and students
  • announcement of recent research related activities on campus

The policies of RRE are:

  • anyone on campus can submit their information via email. Student submissions need to have a supporting letter or email from a faculty member
  • the basic submission standards for the newsletter will be that the submitted material be legible, pertinent, and appropriate to present to the campus community
  • authors are responsible for the accuracy of their submissions
  • newsletter editors and SRU will NOT be responsible for the verification of the submitted information