
As a full-service career education office, we work directly with employers in order to connect our motivated and qualified students to great opportunities regionally, nationally, and internationally.  Employers are invited to come to campus for career events, workshops, recruiting events, and many other opportunities in order to meet excellent candidates and build a pipeline of potential candidates from job shadowing to internships to full-time positions.

SRU Career Events

Fall 2024 Safety Management Career & Internship Expos

  • Thursday, October 17th (Construction Focused)
  • Thursday, October 24th (General Industry Focused)
  • Registration will be open June 17th. Registration for both Expos will be on Handshake

    Regional Career Events

    2024 Western Pennsylvania Career Services Association (WestPACS) Career Fair 

    • Wednesday, March 6th, Monroeville Convention Center
    • Information on WestPACS Website

    2024 Pittsburgh Education Recruitment Consortium (PERC) Education Job Fair

    • Wednesday, March 20th, Monroeville Convention Center
    • Information on PERC Website

    Share a Job with SRU Students

    Internships, part-time, and full-time positions can be shared with students through the SRU's HANDSHAKE system. And there is no cost to you as the employer!
    You will need to create an account in the system first to obtain approval to post jobs. Once approved, you can easily post a position, repost archived positions, search student resumes, register for career events, and view student profiles from within the system. If, as an employer, you have not used SRU's Handshake or any other school's Handshake, then you can create a new account by clicking here.

    Stay Connected with Career Updates

    Want to stay in the loop with various events we hold? Please complete our information survey to be included in future outreaches.

    On-Campus Interviewing Opportunities

    Hosting a day of interviewing pre-selected students is an excellent way to find great candidates at the Rock.  The overall process for this option is as follows:

    • Open an On-Campus Recruiting position through SRU's HANDSHAKE
    • Eligible students apply with resume, cover letter, and any other requested documents
    • On a pre-selected date, the Career Education & Development office sends you a PDF packet of all the candidates for consideration
    • You select the candidates you wish to interview, and the Career Education & Development office builds you a schedule 
    • On the day of the interview, you simply arrive and begin interviewing. 

    It is a simple process that's open to any of our eligible employers.  To start the process, call Jesse DeFazio at 724.738.4027 or email john.rindy@sru.edu and select your day today.


    Another great way to build a connection with SRU students and guarantee a pipeline of qualified candidates is to put your name on our events and workshops.  This will broadcast your organization to students in all majors, faculty, and campus administrators who can then remind students of your presence.  Sponsorships also allow your organization an exclusive opportunity to speak directly to event attendees regarding your organization, available positions, and upcoming events. 

    Some Career Events and Workshops Sponsorship Opportunities include:

    • Fall & Spring Career Expos
    • Industry-specific Etiquette Dinners
    • Dress for Success Events
    • Networking Evenings & Socials
    • Budgeting & Salary Negotiations Workshops

    We are also open to creative new ideas regarding sponsorship opportunities and the type of event that might work better for your organization.  

    For more details and costs of sponsorship, contact John Rindy at 724.738.4027 or email at John.Rindy@sru.edu