Occupational Therapist working with a client in a wheelchair

Become an Occupational Therapist

SRU's Public Health program is an excellent choice to start your journey to becoming an OT

Public Health: Pre-Occupational Therapy

Offered by: Public Health Sciences

Choose Public Health if you're preparing for graduate study and a career as an occupational therapist.

Why Choose Public Health: Pre-Occupational Therapy?

The Public Health program educates the whole person and prepares you to work as a professional in the public health field. Our curriculum emphasizes healthy lifestyles, multicultural health needs, research and advances in health, and use of the most up-to-date public health-related computer technology. Our major courses and the required courses for applying to the graduate occupational therapy program have overlap and both have the same goal – to prepare students for a career in the health field – one of the most lucrative aspects of the job market today.

What are your options?

Public Health Pre-Occupational Therapy SRU 3+3:  Earn a Doctor of Occupational Therapy in six years rather than seven. In the first three years, you complete your Public Health major courses and pre-requisites for the SRU OTD program. At the end of your second year, you apply for admission into the SRU OTD program. If accepted, your first year in the SRU OTD program meets the remaining requirements for your undergraduate degree. If not accepted, you continue to complete your undergraduate degree and can reapply to the program. The accelerated option is for incoming freshmen only.

Public Health Pre-Occupational Therapy (SRU Traditional):  Complete the requirements for your public health major and the pre-requisites for the SRU OTD program and apply to the SRU OTD program in your senior year.

Careers In Occupational Therapy

Upon completion of the Public Health undergraduate program and the Doctor of Occupational Therapy program you will be well prepared to embark on your career as an Occupational Therapist, a growing profession with increasing demand.

Earn your degrees in public health and occupational therapy at SRU!

Interested in learning more about Occupational Therapy at SRU? Request more information today!