SRU council of trustees elect new officers for 2024-25

Angèle Stoebener was elected chair of the Slippery Rock University council of trustees during its business meeting on June 14.
June 14, 2024
SLIPPERY ROCK, Pa. — Slippery Rock University's council of trustees elected new officers and approved meeting dates for the 2024-25 academic year at the council's quarterly business meeting, June 14, at the Russell Wright Alumni House and Conference Center.
Angèle Stoebener and Elise Michaux will serve as council chair and vice chair, respectively, while Charli Severo, a dual political science and philosophy major from Albion, will serve as secretary.
"I embrace this opportunity to serve as chair of the council," Stoebener said. "The trustees play a vital part in leading the University and I'm honored to be selected for this important role. I look forward to leading the council and working more closely with President Karen Riley."
Stoebener, '06, returned to the council this year after serving as a student trustee from 2004-06. Michaux, '11, '13M, has been a trustee since 2020. Severo was recently appointed to the council as the student representative.
The officers are elected each year. The chair presides at the meetings, appoints standing committees and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The vice chair performs the duties of the chair in the chair's absence. The secretary records the minutes in addition to other duties.
The meeting dates for 2024-25 are Sept. 26-27, Dec. 5-6, March 20-21 and June 12-13.
Also at Friday's quarterly business meeting, the council heard the President's Report, received reports from its standing committees, and reviewed finance and divisional reports.
More information about the COT, including an online information binder from Friday's proceedings, is available on the council's webpage.
MEDIA CONTACT: Justin Zackal | 724.738.4854 |