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A World Away

Explore both the ancient and modern aspects of Asian cultures

Asian Studies

Offered by: Interdisciplinary Programs

The minor in Asian Studies is an interdisciplinary program, drawing courses from several academic departments including Modern Languages and Cultures (Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages), History, Geography, Geology and the Environment, Philosophy, Political Science, English (literature and film), and Interdisciplinary Programs. The minor in Asian Studies will provide you with expertise in the languages, cultures, history, and traditions of Asia.

Why Choose Asian Studies?

About 40% of the world's population lives in Asia; China and India are the two most populous countries in the world. Asia also contains the most rapidly industrializing and fastest-growing economies. By 2040, China will be the world's largest economy, Japan will be among the top five global economies, and India will also take its place as one of the greatest economic powers of the century.

Asia is also home to several of the world's core civilizations and distinctive cultures. These cultures have well-developed social institutions, highly developed religious and philosophical traditions, rich and complex languages and literatures, and artistic and architectural traditions date back over thirty centuries.

Asia is important politically because it is a place of dynamic political change with unresolved political conflicts having enormous consequence for the people of the United States.

What Will You Learn?

The minor in Asian Studies is flexible and well-suited to fit your interests.. The curriculum will provide you with a broad understanding of the region, which will complement  your academic major. You will learn about or be introduced to the following Asian experiences:

  • Gender relations
  • Geography and history
  • Language
  • Literature and film in Asia
  • Philosophical and religious traditions
  • Politics

Careers In Asian Studies

The minor in Asian Studies provides a valuable supplement to majors in many fields.

As a business major, you will find a minor in Asian Studies particularly attractive to future employers who are already doing business in the region or who wish to begin to trade there.

Future teachers and social workers, as well as health and fitness professionals, will find the background useful in your work with the increasing Asian population in the United States (Asians and Pacific Islanders are the fastest growing minority in America).

If you're majoring in the humanities and social sciences, you will find the minor a valuable balance to the largely Western content and methodologies that generally characterize those fields of study.

Some students have built on the minor in graduate studies, and in some cases, become specialists in Asia. Learning Asian languages, participating in international exchange opportunities, and seeking out relevant internships can open the doors to many careers that are related to Asian Studies.

Clubs & Organizations

  • Internations Club
  • SRU Japan Club