How to Apply to the IACUC

All IACUC protocol forms (for protocol approval or modification) are to be submitted to the IACUC Office, Old Main, Room 302.

Questions regarding SRU's IACUC or its functions should be emailed to or via phone at 724.738.4846.

Steps to Apply to the IACUC:

  1. Complete the required training course on the ethical care and use of animals in research, training and testing, as well as focusing on the care and use of particular species. The IACUC subscribes to the CITI Online Training Program to comply with this regulation. Additional information and the CITI website can be found in the Online Training tab below. 
  2. Complete the IACUC Protocol Form, Animal Tissue Protocol Form, or the Protocol Modification Request Form found in the Forms tab below. 
  3. Submit your Form to the IACUC Office, Old Main, Room 302.

The principal investigator must have an approved protocol from the IACUC before procurement of any animals. DO NOT begin your study until approval has been granted. This is a violation of Federal regulations.