Since financial difficulties are a concern for many international students, we offer some details below for assistance.
Campus Employment
The University offers employment on campus for students at the federal minimum wage, currently $7.25 an hour, for up to 20 hours of work per week. This employment is not guaranteed and thus cannot be used in calculating finances. This is in compliance with U.S. federal regulations.
Graduate Assistantships
A limited number of graduate assistantship positions are available in specific academic departments and other offices on campus. However, acceptance to graduate school is not a guarantee that you will receive an assistantship. Assistantships may be granted for up to two years, with full-time recipients working 17.5 hours a week and taking at least 9 graduate credits per semester. Tuition is waived and yearly stipends are included. If you have questions about graduate assistantships please contact
Other financing options
Many international students also secure financial assistance through sponsors or scholarships not offered through the University. However, we are unable to help you obtain these additional sources of financial aid.
If you require any additional information about cost of attendance for an international graduate student please contact