Phi Alpha Theta (Honorary)
Phi Alpha Theta (PAT) is the Honorary Society for History students. It promotes the study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians.

Since its inauguration in 1921, PAT has grown to more than seven hundred chapters in fifty states. It has the distinction of having more chapters than any other accredited honor society, holding one of the earliest memberships in the Association of College Honor Societies. The total number of initiates since its inception is more than 240,000.
The Slippery Rock University Rho Iota chapter of Phi Alpha Theta has received multiple Best Chapter awards in the past decade.
PAT members are key contributors to the vitality and success of the History Department. They plan and undertake a trip each semester to destinations as varied as Falling Water, Gettysburg, Washington D.C. and New York City. Members also organize a mentoring program for incoming freshmen and transfer students. They help to plan the annual Homecoming picnic at the Old Stone House. And they participate in both the regional Phi Alpha Theta conference and the Pennsylvania Historical Association conference.
You don't have to be a History major to be a member of Phi Alpha Theta. If you would like more information about joining, contact the History Department.