
History is made every day, by all of us.  We shape our society, our culture, our economy.  And in turn, this historical moment makes us who we are.  The faculty in the Department of History teaches courses that examine all regions of the world, and countless chapters of the human story.  We want our students to understand that everybody's history is interdependent.  We offer students the opportunity to be guided by their own interests, while also introducing them to new subjects and new ideas.  We offer a BA in History, with a variety of concentrations for the Major and for students interested in a History Minor.  We also provide the subject courses for the BS in Secondary Education, Social Studies.

When you study history, you develop skills of critical thinking and analysis.  You learn to seek out and recognize the connections between events that seem unrelated, and to appreciate the unintended consequences of historical actions and decisions.  Armed with historical knowledge, you will be an informed citizen and an engaged member of your local and global community.  With the intellectual habits of active reading, focused research, and lucid writing, you will possess a flexible skillset that ensures a lifetime of opportunities as a creative and capable professional.