Watermark Faculty Success

Watermark Faculty Success (WFS) is our online faculty activity reporting system that allows faculty members to collect and organize evidence of their professional achievements in the areas of teaching, scholarship, and service to university and community. In addition, faculty evaluation reports, or milestones, are submitted and tracked only through the Workflow platform in WFS, so it is vital that faculty members with evaluation events and members of evaluation committees understand how to use the platform.

The Office of the Provost collaborates with APSCUF and the various review committees on the process for submitting and reviewing reports for promotion, tenure, probationary/temporary, sabbatical, and fifth-year reviews. If you have questions not answered here, please contact Mary Hennessey at 724.738.2171 or email at mary.hennessey@sru.edu

This FAQ document has quick-view answers to supplement the information below. 

Weekly drop-in Zoom sessions about WFS are held on Tuesdays at 9am at https://sru.zoom.us/j/99239594599