Woman in red shirt poses in dance position with foot in air

The National Honor Society for Dance Arts

Service, Community, Advocacy

National Honor Society for Dance Arts

The National Honor Society for Dance ArtsTM (NHSDA) is a program of the National Dance Education Organization, created to recognize outstanding artistic merit, leadership, and academic achievement in students studying dance in colleges and universities. Slippery Rock University has established an NHSDA chapter in order to honor the outstanding academic and artistic work of our students, and help advance the field of dance education.

The NHSDA Collegiate Program Goals are:

  • To encourage exploration of dance education pedagogy, choreography, performance, research, community outreach, and advocacy in the context of a broad dance program.
  • To stimulate dialogue and networking between students, faculty, and experts in the field.
  • To promote the use of standards in dance education curriculum and teaching methods.
  • To develop future leaders in the field of dance arts education and performance.