There is one scholarship application for all of the scholarships listed below. Students must be enrolled in the RN to BSN program to apply for scholarships. The scholarship application opens February 1st, and the deadline for submission is March 31st for all listed scholarships. Additionally, the nursing department offers the David Boucher Travel Scholarship, which is listed under the study abroad section. If you have questions, contact the Nursing Department at or 724.738.2065. These scholarships are currently closed.
Mary ann calve scholarship for nursing excellence
The student must be going into at least their second year of undergrad pursuing a BSN degree in nursing with at least a 3.5 GPA. Awarded to a student with financial need.
Donna Couillard Getreuer Scholarship
Undergraduate nursing major completing a BSN. First preference to student with interest in health care informatics as evidenced by enrollment in the informatics minor, having a plan of studies that includes all three informatics courses, or currently employed in the field of nursing informatics.
Kay M. Hunt Nursing Scholarship
Undergraduate nursing major completing a BSN with a minimum of a 3.0 GPA.
Elinor Jeffrey Scholarship
Undergraduates who are at the Junior level completing a BSN with a minimum 2.5 GPA. Renewable for 1 year.
James Kellinger and George Gault Memorial Scholarship
Student enrolled in the SRU RN to BSN. Student must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. Either the recipient, or recipient's spouse, sibling, child, parent, or grandparent are, to be, or have been, members of the United States military (active or reserve).
Susan M. McElravy Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Applicants must be pursuing a bachelor of science degree in nursing through the RN to BSN program. Must have completed a minimum of 21 credits. Student must have financial need and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Recipient should exemplify the compassionate and empathetic role nurses play in our ever evolving health care system. Renewable with 3.0 GPA and continuation in the program.
Kurt Martin Nelson Memorial Scholarship
Undergraduates completing a BSN. Awarded to the applicant who is facing economic hardship as determined by the Department of Nursing.
Leona Parascenzo Nursing Scholarship
Applicants pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing through the RN to BSN program with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Non-renewable but previous awardees may re-apply.